Friday, August 29, 2014

The Dichotomy of Superheroes

Okay guys, This week I wanted to bring you one of my older blog posts, because this week this idea has just been hitting me again and again, and so I thought I would share it with you all! I hope you enjoy this older post and be challenged by it!

So here I am writing again after a long absence, and I find myself contemplating superheroes and life. Before you dismiss me as a loony, I love to watch superhero movies like the X-men trilogy, Iron Man, all the Supermans, all the Lethal Weapons, Batman (The ones with Christian Bale), and Wanted. I know, I know - Sounds like a big waste of time and it might be is an enjoyable waste of time. But as I have sat drying out my cerebral cortex in front of the boob tube, I am suddenly struck with a ridiculuos thought which captured my fascination almost as much as seeing Angelina Jolie unload a clip while sitting on the hood of a viper during a high speed chase. The thought was simple yet the more I pondered it the more interesting it became and the thought was this: EVERY SUPERHERO NEEDS A NEMESIS!

There are several interesting characteristics which make up a superhero: First, the individual must seperate himself from common, ordinary people through his actions. Then, the individual is seen as being locked into a constant epic battle between the forces of good and evil, and right and wrong both physically and mentally. Psychologically there is a constant struggle between who they really are versus who they pretend to be. The hero will experience hardships, struggles, turmoil, and will usually lose someone or something dear to them. They are not all powerful and usually have a secret weakness. And finally, they will all offer in some way hope and a way of escape from situations and predicaments, and this is opposed to the villian who is only bent on destruction and domination.

Every Superhero has this particular character make-up, but if all the hero possesses are these traits and he doesn't have a nemesis then he is simple a good samaritan instead of a superhero, for the defining mark of a true superhero is the presence of a nemesis. This is the dichotomy of a true superhero. Light versus Darkeness, Good versus Evil, Superhero versus Villain.

Now for the interesting thought: There will always be superheroes and not just in comic books. There have been many superheroes throughout history. For example, the superhero dichotomy can be seen in David versus Goliath, Martin Luther versus the Catholic Church, Schindler versus the Nazis, the apostle Paul versus Nero, King Richard versus the Moors, Jesus versus Satan.

And here is the jest of the rump - As Christians we are called to come out of the world - to be seperate - TO BE SUPERHEROES - we are given a higher calling which doesn't negate our personal struggles, tragedies, trials, but instead magnifies our position as bringers of hope and if we are truly living up to our calling should result in the revelation of our nemesis. As christians we are called to be superheroes to a lost and dying world struggling to cope without hope. And you know what - we make experience heartache and loss in occupying this position, and one day we may even be discriminated against and persecuted but we are assured of one thing and that is we are already more than victorious because of the completed work of Christ.


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