The Gospel

The "gospel" is our good news. That's what "gospel" means. What is the news, and why is it so good? The world that we live in is full of evil and suffering - that's the reality that we are all born into. The Bible tells us that this present reality is twisted and warped by sin - not just the theoretical sins of politicians and international bankers and greedy corporations, but the individual sins of people just like you and I. We lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead. We get angry, we deceive, we even kill and rape and torment to satisfy our own cravings. This rebellion against God and bent toward evil demands death. The payment for sin is always death, and all humans are born into this world with a death sentence upon their soul. This is what sin has done to us.

The good news is that God cares, and that he cared enough to enter into human history. Jesus Christ is fully God, fully man, come into human affairs to save us from sin. He was without sin, and yet he died a criminal's death in order to take the payment of sin. In his death, Jesus absorbed the wrath meant for us, and made a full payment for our sins. But he didn't stay dead! Death could never hold Jesus, and he rose again conquering sin, and death, and the devil, and making a way for everyone who follows him to also share in resurrection and life. If we repent from our sins, and believe in Jesus we will be saved from sin and death. God has promised. Those whose sins are forgiven are blessed forever, and will live again after death in heaven forever with God. That, my friend, is the good news. That is the gospel.

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