Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Road So Far

For those of you have read my previous updates, I would like to take a few minutes and review from those updates the answers to the prayer requests that God has provided. We serve a God who loves his children and answers prayer. He is a mighty God, and it is so powerful to see His hand in a tangible way in the course of our lives. Many of these answered prayers have come about as a result of your prayers - so again, thank you!

Prayer Requests From Spring 2013 Newsletter:
A spiritual awakening in Japan and in Kyoto – this is already starting!

For team members – God brought us Chris McKee and his wonderful Family!

For finances – God has brought financial provision to us at just the right time through Liberty Church and certain individuals, and this has made the ministry possible!

For a centralized location – God planted us in the literal, physical center of Kyoto!

For salvation of several students – God did this in an amazing way, and still others are even closer! 

For travel mercies – God allowed the trip to go very smoothly, and He opened a way for Seira and I to partner with Liberty Church, and be commissioned and ordained through Liberty Church. Praise God!

And lastly growth for our English school – The juku grew so quickly we were able to share the gospel with many more students and eventually sell the school to finance our move to Kyoto.

Prayer Requests From the Fall 2013 Newsletter:
For Perfect Location – God did it!

For a safe delivery for Seira and the birth of Kiera – God allowed everything to go smoothly and for me to become the proud papa of the most beautiful girl in the world.

For perfect timing for the move – This story is amazing, but everything worked out perfectly. Everything from selling the English school to finding the right place – all the timing worked out.

For the move – The move was extremely difficult, but God provided amazing friends who came over and helped us. W e could not have done it without them! We couldn't have done it without so many amazing people who provided for us even though they didn’t know us. God provided these amazing blessings and more, which helped ease the stress of the move.

God is so Good! It has not always been easy, and there were many days where we fasted, prayed, and cried out to God. There were days when we thought nothing was ever going to come together. There were sleepless nights, and long days where we felt so far away from God and His Will. And yet God has always been there, always been faithful, and always working even when we couldn’t see it. Here is just one example of God’s Provision: Back in January, I remember thinking that there was no hope – I had messed up badly! I had gone used an internet sales listing to try to sell our English School, and while I was making the advertisement, I mixed up Japanese Yen and American Dollars. I had wanted to sell the English school for $20,000 but instead, I ended up asking for $200,000.00! I didn’t even realize my mistake until another foreigner, called me and told me my price was ridiculous. When I realized the mistake I tried to change it, but the site administrator said it was a free site and permanent for three months. Seira and I were so depressed – We thought we were sunk- every option failed, every interested person fell through, and Seira was due to have the baby in a week and a half, and there were only two months until April!

I didn’t think there was anyway we would be able to move, or start the Church in the time frame we had set.

I decided to fast and pray for a week, and during that week God gave me the faith to ask for the sale of the school and that it would happen before my birthday, which was January 25 – 10 days from the time I had started to beseech God. I also told God that I would not attempt to sell the school, I wanted to see God sell it for at least $10,000 so we would have enough money for the move to Kyoto.

So for ten days I waited and prayed, and four days before my birthday a man called me and said he had heard we were selling an English School, and was curious about the price. He had seen our advertisement, but hadn’t looked at the price before he called – we told him we would be willing to sell for $12,000.00. He was still interested so he said he wanted to come out to the school on the 25th and see it. We agreed, and he came out, loved it, and decided to buy it, but for $11,000.00, which turned out to be the exact amount we would need to pay our bills and make the move!

During this 10 day time, God also performed many other miracles that I don’t have enough time or space to write about, but God is amazing, and He is faithful! By His Grace we were able to complete the sale, transfer the school, partner with Chris and his Family, find a location in the dead center of Kyoto, with enough space to host Liberty Church Kyoto, and have the exact amount of money necessary to make the move. I was also able to renew my visa and finish the process literally a day before the move. I could go on and on! There is NO god like OUR GOD. He is living, powerful, and able to save!


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